Graphic Designer Chip Kidd on Discusses the Possibilities of Form – Class Excerpt

Graphic designer Chip Kidd is world-famous for creating some of the most innovative book covers of our time. How do his ideas come to life? In this clip from his Skillshare Originals class, he talks about the role of form and how brainstorming about form can lead to a more compelling, gorgeous graphic design.

This is an excerpt. To watch the full class:



This inspirational 35-minute class takes you on a journey through Chip’s graphic design process as he creates an art poster, a real project he took on for the Brooklyn Book Festival in Fall 2016. As he explores his assignment, research strategy, and even graphic ideas, you’ll see how the best graphic designers — Chip amongst them — are creative and conceptual problem-solvers.

You’ll learn how to:
– Plan and research a new creative project
– Evaluate compelling concepts
– Execute original ideas independently

Plus, each lesson is filled with lesser-known examples of Chip’s poster work, as well as comparisons to his popular work in book cover design.

Whether you’re interested in poster design,, curious about the principles of good art, or just want to see a master at work, this class will help you “think like a designer,” hone your visual instincts, and harness the power of graphic design!

This is an excerpt. To watch the full class:



Chip Kidd is a Designer/Writer in New York City (and Stonington, CT, and Palm Beach, FL). His book cover designs for Alfred A. Knopf, where he has worked non-stop since 1986, have helped create a revolution in the art of American book packaging.He is the recipient of the National Design Award for Communications, as well at the Use of Photography in Design award from the International Center of Photography. And a bunch of other stuff.

Kidd has published two novels, The Cheese Monkeys and The Learners, as well as Batman: Death By Design, an original graphic novel published by DC Comics and illustrated by Dave Taylor. His latest book, is Go: A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design, was released in October, 2013.A distinguished and prolific Lecturer, Kidd has spoken at Princeton, Yale, Harvard, RISD and a zillion other places.

This is an excerpt. To watch the full class:
