How Much Money Does a Graphic Designer Make?

Today I want to talk about how much money graphic designers make. You see there is a lot more to it than the salary of a graphic designer.
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This video will help you understand the different rates, salaries, and income of graphic designers. Because perhaps you wont be earning a yearly salary, perhaps you will be a freelance graphic designer earning an hourly pay rate, or you could be working as an in-house designer which entails a variety of tasks.

A Graphic Designers Salary is based on far more than one would think. Location, type of graphic design position, experience in the field, and raw talent all play into the pay you will receive!

Important: Count the Cost!
Gear to become a graphic designer:

â–º Macbook Pro ( )
â–º or Dell XPS 15 ( )
â–º Adobe Creative Cloud ( )
â–º Digital Camera ( )
â–º Wacom Tablet ( )
â–º Online Courses to Keep Your Skills Sharp ( )
â–º Audio Gear to Keep you Inspired ( )

There is much more, but this is the gear I have found most valuable, and the links above are affiliate links that help support this channel!

1 ) In what city will you be a graphic designer?

2 ) What kind of graphic design position will you fill?

3 ) You must define the exact position and field you are interested in working in before you jump to conclusions about yearly salaries.

– Advertising Graphic Designer Salary in NYC : $56,154 (glassdoor)
– Print Graphic Designer Salary in NYC: $62,379 (glassdoor)

As you see the salaries vary by the demand for the specific need.

– Advertising Graphic Designer in Michigan: $49,902 (glassdoor)
– Assistant Graphic Designer in Michigan: $43,743 (glassdoor)

The location also causes the pay to vary.

4 ) How Well are you able to Negotiate

5 ) The bare bones salary…
What is the starting salary for an entry level graphic designer? Remember we must consider city to city fluctuations. According to glassdoor the average yearly salary for a graphic designer is:

Entry Level Position $25,000 – $35,000
Senior Level Position $50,000 – $87,000

Thanks For Tuning in Today!


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WHERE I LEARN: (affiliate links) â–º
Udemy â–º
Envato â–º â–º

MY FAVORITE GEAR: (affiliate links)
Camera â–º
CamStand â–º
Compute â–º
Mouse â–º
TubeBuddy â–º
Host Gator â–º
( Get 60% off Website Hosting with the link )

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