What can $100 buy you on Fiverr in terms of a logo design? Find out in todays video where I have gone ahead and paid $100 for a logo design, well actually I was delivered multiple logo designs, by a designer on Fiverr.
In this video we go over the service of the designer on Fiverr, as well as the deconstruction of the logo designs too. This video is a means to help other people better understand logo design, and what makes a logo relevant and successful in it’s own right. Fiverr is a place where you can buy logo designs at very low prices, but also there are people selling their services upwards into the hundreds and sometimes thousands. This video is dedicated to what I personally received when spending $100 on a Fiverr logo designer. I hope you enjoy it and maybe also find it informative, do let me know down below your thoughts on todays upload.
If you found todays video on buying a logo design for $100 in Fiverr enjoyable or useful, let me know in the comments section and drop a like on your way out. Subscribe to stay updated to all of my uploads and until next time, design your future today, peace
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***************** MUSIC *****************
JULIAN AVILA – Take Care / Pineapple Paradise / BIMMER / VIBE
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/julian_avila
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp_CZMxdfHYGsi16LTvWr4A
▶ Copyright
The work is protected by copyright. This is applied to the video recording of itself as well as all artistic aspects including special protection on the final outcome. Legal steps will have to be taken if copyright is breeched. Music is used from the YouTube audio library and thus copyright free music.
Resources Used: https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/business Business vector created by pikisuperstar – www.freepik.com