Develop Confidence to Charge Higher Web Design Prices

How to develop the confidence to charge higher prices for your web design services. Connect with over 11,000 other web designers in my private FB group:

In this video, I show you 3 mindsets you can use right away to develop more confidence and sell your web design services at a higher price. True sales confidence can’t be faked – you got to earn it and KNOW for sure you can deliver on what you are selling.

So how do we go about developing real sales confidence when it comes to specifically charging higher prices for our services?

1) First, take some real action and get some real reference points.

If you want core confidence it has to be based on some real past results. You can’t fake knowing what you have never done. So get out there and land some real projects at any price.

In a short amount of time you are going to start to see that when people pay you more you can usually do better work. You will also see that you have delivered value in the past and that overall you are getting better at doing so on each new project.

You need to see and feel this to start developing the confidence to up your web design prices in a big way.

2) Think about your prices from the clients perspective

This gives you two reference points to KNOW when charging a higher price is a great move for you and the client. Consider the whole project from their perspective. Imagine you are the client and you (as the client) are hiring you (as the web designer). What price is going to get the max results from this project – what price is RIGHT?

To see things from their perspective you need real data – so ask lots of questions to get context and do some research also.

3) Know that them spending more means they should get better results in LESS time. And time is money also.

This is another great reason to charge more – you are saving them a lot of time. Projects with less of a budget need more time for the results to come in. BUT if the client can/will/should spend more than you should be able to get them results way faster.

So this gives you the confidence to sell at a higher price cause they might be paying more BUT you saved them months or years to get the results they want. And time is the one resource we can never buy back.

Any questions or feedback just let me know below.

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