6 Steps to Land Web Design Portfolio Projects

In this video, we cover 6 steps to land a web design portfolio project. You can find the lesson notes here: https://foxwebschool.com/a-simple-6-step-process-to-land-portfolio-clients/

To grow any web design business you need to start with building a great portfolio. And to get a great portfolio you need to know how to approach a business owner and make a deal they will agree on.

The key to doing this successfuly is understanding how a business owner thinks and removing any obstacle that might be holding them back. You also want to make sure they see clear value in allowing you to build them a new website in the first place.

In this video, I will show you exactly how to land these web design projects in the easiest way possible. At this stage, there is no reason to complicate selling a website project – keep it simple and easy to achieve.


Extra notes for this video: https://foxwebschool.com/a-simple-6-step-process-to-land-portfolio-clients/

To start the Fox Web Design 0 – $1,000 Challenge: https://foxwebschool.com/starthere

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