Month: February 2020

Responsive Webdesign ohne Media Queries | Jonas Hellwig

Speaker: Jonas Hellwig (kulturbanause) | Responsive Design und Media Queries sind per Definition eng miteinander verbunden: Die Media Query definiert einen Breakpoint, der wiederum dafĂĽr sorgt, dass das Layout an den gewĂĽnschten Stellen umbricht und somit den Wechsel von Smartphone zu Desktop meistert. Doch seit Ethan Marcotte 2010 seinen

“Everything You Know About Web Design Just Changed” by Jen Simmons—An Event Apart video

We’re standing at the threshold of an entirely new era in digital design—one in which, rather than hacking layouts together, we can actually describe layouts directly. The benefits will touch everything from prototyping to custom art direction to responsive design. In this visionary talk, rooted in years of practical experience,