5 Things Web Designers Can Do During The CORONAVIRUS CRISIS

Here are 5 things YOU (my fellow web designers) can do to help your business, your clients and your family during this Coronavirus Crisis.

View the full post with links and resources here:


In short:

1) Count Your Blessings 1:08
2) Offer Help to Your Clients 2:50
3) Use this Time Wisely (Professionally and Personally) 5:22
4) Get Involved in Online Community 8:10
5) Give Back & Help Where You Can 9:49

My Offer: 12:07

All my courses are now 25% OFF thru the end of March 2020 at:


My Pledge: 12:53

I will be donating 25% of the proceeds of every course sold during this period to https://stowemission.org, a local organization that is helping families in need during this very uncertain and tough time for many.