The Exact Web Design Proposal I Use ($12,000+ Project)

How to Make a Web Design Proposal – Exact Process. My 2020 coaching program:

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If you are new check out this video first:

Writing a web design proposal that gets you the sale can be tricky. You want to get paid, of course, but you don’t want to waste time on this either. The wrong proposal method can waste a lot of fo time and energy and even sometimes lose you the client.

The web design proposal method I show in this video has been really effective for me for over 3 years. It takes around 30 minutes to write up and has a very high success rate.

While it might seem “unprofessional” to write just a basic email proposal it actually works really well. There is no complex proposal for clients to get caught up with, no technical info they have to go over 100 times to understand, and no roadblocks to moving ahead with the sale.

Once you get the hang of using this approach I think you will love it also. its simple, effective and very powerful for selling web design (or related services).

To learn how to plan great sales call BEFORE making the proposal – check out this video:

The full guide, template and extra resources here:

To start the Fox Web Design 0 – $1,000 Challenge:

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