Web design aesthetics tutorial: Understanding aesthetics | lynda.com


What is aesthetics and why is it important in web design? In this tutorial, learn about the history of aesthetics as well as the impact of imagery on web design. Watch more at http://www.lynda.com/course20/Design-Design-Techniques-tutorials/Design-Aesthetics-Web-Design/114323-2.html?utm_campaign=0lbebxAtZsw&utm_medium=viral&utm_source=youtube.

This tutorial is a single movie from the Design Aesthetics for Web Design course presented by lynda.com author Sue Jenkins. The complete course is 2 hours and 5 minutes and shows how to incorporate principles of design such as contrast, unity, and balance in specific ways that improve your website.

1. What Is Aesthetics?
2. Using Elements of Design
3. Incorporating Principles of Design
4. Foundations of Designing for the Web