🔥 Website designing full course in hindi: I am starting with very basics this new Hindi series “Website Designing”. This video will cover what is website designing? who should do website designing? What is the salary of the website designer? Which software should you use for website designing? What kind of projects are for a website designer? scope of website designing? etc.
So this is web designing full course in hindi. Please watch other next videos in this series of Website designing course.
I am personally using Adobe XD only for website designing. You can you Sketch, Figma kind software also.
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Who want to start on Adobe XD, please watch this below series too:
Check my other videos for details on XD features:
Repeat Grid feature:
Shapes and Text:
Assets Feature explained:
Link to download Adobe Creative Cloud app to install all apps:
Link to download Adobe XD:
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Dribbble: https://dribbble.com/sunilkargwal
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/graphicsguru/
Behance: https://www.behance.net/sunilkargwal
Blog: https://sunilkargwal.blogspot.in/
#WebDesignCourse #WebDesignTutorial #WebDesign