Month: February 2021

Understanding Sustainable Web Design

Certified B Corp agencies Mightybytes and Wholegrain Digital join forces for a one-hour primer on Sustainable Web Design. Tim Frick, Tom Greenwood, and Nicole Hunter lead a discussion on how we can reduce the internet’s massive environmental impact through better design and development practices.

Guideline for Web Development and Design – FullStack ওয়েব ডিজাইন ও ডেভেলপমেন্ট গাইড লাইন

ওয়েব ডেভেলপমেন্ট ও ডিজাইনের ফুল গাইডলাইন ও পাথওয়ে, ষ্টেপ বাই ষ্টেপ। Step by step web development and design guideline to become a full-stack web developer গাইডলাইন ম্যাপঃ HTML ক্রাস কোর্সঃ CSS কোর্সঃ JavaScript Basic কোর্সঃ 00:01 Intro of Guideline 00:47 Web Design Guide 04:48 JavaScript for Front-end 05:09 Angular,

The Responsive Web Design Process | Cuker

Wondering how to create a responsive web design for todays multi-device users? Cuker reveals the responsive design process at Cuker begins the responsive design process by outlining the use cases, the consumer’s intent, and the key conversion points on desktop, tablet, and smartphones. Then our marketing experts use Web