Celebrating Web Designer Day 2021 | GoDaddy Pro

Today and everyday, GoDaddy Pro recognizes the makers of the web who live by their own code and shape our digital world. Brought to you by GoDaddy Pro – https://gddy.pro/join

Share one of our Web Designer Day ecards with a designer or developer in your life: https://gddy.pro/e-cards

To celebrate web designers and developers everywhere, GoDaddy Pro is taking a historic look at the evolution of the web and highlighting how far these magic makers have come in shaping the world together. We’re inspired by the role web devs and designers have in shaping our digital future, and that’s exactly why we created GoDaddy Pro. As they bring dreams to digital life pixel by pixel, we aim to give them the tools they need and inspire them to be proud of the legacy they’re a part of. Here’s to the freelance bounty hunters, the design privateers, the rebels of the web — they are the true Pros. Happy Web Designer and Developer Day.

Learn more about GoDaddy Pro:

— The Hub by GoDaddy Pro for multiple website management: Built for web developers and designers who manage multiple websites, clients and projects to save you time. https://gddy.pro/the-hub

— GoDaddy Community & Forums: Welcome to the GoDaddy Community and Forums. Share information with others so we all can succeed online. https://gddy.pro/forums

— GoDaddy Pro Upcoming Events: https://gddy.pro/upcoming

— GoDaddy Blog: Dedicated to web designers, web developers, and Makers of the Web.
Our mission is to help you level up and deliver compelling results for your clients. https://gddy.pro/weblog

 — GoDaddy Pro Twitter: The latest Tweets from GoDaddy Pro (@GoDaddyPro – https://twitter.com/GoDaddyPro

Building websites for others? Join us. We’re here to help the #MakersOfTheWeb and their clients succeed online. For account support, contact @GoDaddyHelp https://twitter.com/GoDaddyHelp

#GoDaddyPro #MakersOfTheWeb #WebDev #WebDesigner #WebDesignerDay