The secret of good design is to make things simple and easy. http://robcubbon.com
Now we’re getting onto the “scary” bit. OK, maybe not scary for those of you that aren’t afraid to try a bit of CSS editing.
And, for those of you that are cautious about looking under the hood of your website, I would urge you to read on as well. What I am about to explain will give you important insights into how your website works — both for your visitors and for the search engines. Knowledge is power!
Accessing Developer Tools
Every browser comes with Developer Tools. They allow you to look under the hood and even make changes “on the fly” without having to get your hands dirty editing code files. The changes you make in Developer Tools won’t be seen by other visitors to your blog — this is just an environment to test and to see how things look before proper changes are made.
How you access Developer Tools? Quite easily, however it will be different depending on the browser and system you are using. And, this is only for laptop or desktop computers as it won’t be possible on tablets or smartphones.
If you’re on a PC, you could try hitting the F12 key and you’ll see them pop up at the bottom of your browser window. This may not work for Firefox where you could try Control-Shift-I (and you should then click the Style button — but will come to that later).
If you are on a Mac, Command-Alt-I will bring them up in every browser.
And, to get rid of them, simply hit F12 again, or whatever key combination you used to make them appear.
You may also right-click on any element on a web page and select “Inspect Element”.
I show you this on Pat Flynn’s excellent blog Smart Passive Income http://www.smartpassiveincome.com
More design tricks here: The Ultimate Guide To WordPress Blog Post Formatting http://robcubbon.com/guide-wordpress-blog-post-formatting/