Web Design Bootcamp Lesson 2: Downloading tools for website design

In this lesson of the web design Bootcamp, you will learn:
– The various tools you require to design websites and how to download them
– Setting up your computer for website designing

Relevant Links
Download XAMPP: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
Download WordPress: https://wordpress.org/latest.zip

Video Chapters
00:00 – Intro to lesson 2
00:10 – Platforms to be used
01:44 – The 2 types of WordPress
02:08 – What domain extensions
02:34 – The difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org
03:30 – What do you need to build websites with WordPress
04:20 – Explaining local hosting of websites
06:05 – Introduction to XAMPP and how it works
09:21 – Alternatives to XAMPP
10:00 – How to turn on Apache & MySQL on XAMPP
11:40 – How to download WordPress
12:41 – Summary of what you learn in this lesson


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If you want any digital marketing service provided for you or your organization, reach out to us. Some of the services that we offer include:
– Custom software development
– Mobile App development
– Website design
– Web Application development
– Converting Websites into mobile apps
– Digital Marketing services (SEO, Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Social media marketing, Search engine marketing, etc)

Check our website at: https://ikrate.com or send us a direct email with details of your request (services@ikrate.com)

You can reach out to Dr. Ehoneah Obed using any of the following:
– Facebook: https://facebook.com/ehoneah
– Instagram: https://ehoneahobed.com/instagram
– Website: https://ehoneahobed.com
– Twitter: https://ehoneahobed.com/twitter
– Linkedin: https://ehoneahobed.com/linkedin