Stand-Up Comedian Template from Wix – Web Design – Tutorial

Learn web design from a Wix Certified Trainer. In this template tutorial, I will explore the “Stand-Up Comedian” template from This free website features an About section, Event Booking section, and a Video Gallery. I will show you how to customize each section and show you how to change the design elements while keeping the template in place.

You don’t have to be a stand-up comedian to understand the usefulness of this template. This will work if you are a coach, a counselor, and entertainer, or even a business where you might travel to different locations and want to showcase your work.

I will teach you how to build Wix websites from concept to automation at

Partial Transcript:
Welcome to the Webmaster Academy. I’m your host, Michael Wood, and I am a Wix Certified Trainer and we’re going
to be going over the stand-up comedian template, so stay tuned…

Thank you for joining me here and we do
have a (visitor with us)thank you for being here.
I really appreciate it. As some of you are watching the replay, go ahead and let me know where you’re from and let me know if are you web designer or if you are interested in creating sites for yourself or for others. I like to know
who you are out there. Please leave a like or a comment. I really like these sessions to be as interactive as possible.

Let’s talk about and let’s look at the stand-up comedian template. In this template — I mean you may not be a
stand-up comedian. You might be pretty funny, but you never thought you could be a stand-up comedian. That’s fine and you
might ask yourself “what is this template have to do with me?” Well along this journey we’re gonna learn web design and if you understand the stand-up comedian template, you’ll then understand how to customize it for yourself or maybe you want to just represent yourself and have a kind of a virtual portfolio or a way for people to know when your consulting services are.
Maybe you’re a coach or a consultant…so go use your imagination a little bit and step outside the box and think about ways you can use this template to match your business or service. And if you’re a web designer, this is good for
you to know, in case you get somebody who is a stand-up comedian or an entertainer and they want you to build out a site for them. So remember, that’s what these
templates are for. The templates are just ideas for you to build upon. So what we’re gonna do right now is go on a tour of the website itself.

So here is the cover page and I want you to notice the layout.

We have a menu bar at the top. If I hover over you could see that it glows blue on the side. On the left, we
actually have menu links on the left and on the right. So on
the far left, we have “shows” and on the far right, we have “contact” so that’s an interesting element I haven’t seen in a
lot of websites. We have our social media icons here at the top. By the way, this template is free, just go to and
sign up there and you could play with this template and build your own free website

If you want to learn more about Web Design from concept to automation, go to the webmaster academy at

Ok, so this is a module we’ll have to fix actually on the back end. When you
scroll down, you have “all about you” “all

about the comedian”: scroll further down
and there is a video and this video is actually being hosted on Wix servers.You can also put your YouTube or Vimeo video in place here instead, or you can have it hosted with Also I click on


this arrow, and there are other videos to
watch, so there’s a navigation menu built right on top of the videos but what’s nice is instead of a lot of thumbnails it’s just one big thumbnail, or one big image, and that is much cleaner in terms of design. Then when I scroll down
you have an Instagram feed. So not only are you asking people to follow you, but there’s an Instagram feed right here so when you update your Instagram from your mobile device, this area will be updated automatically and then you have “the press”. This is a good section for people who are talking about your business or
service. In this case, it’s comedy, so these would link to some of the articles that are talking about your performances. Then
there is the “contact page” where we have “personal appearances”, “the publicity info” and the “management company”.

People can also subscribe and you can get their email address and collect a list of leads, who you can then market to later
using Wix Shoutouts. There is also a footer down here at the bottom says who created the site, social media icons down below.. as you can see, the social media icons are redundant and that’s okay, you want them everywhere!

More transcripts are available at the Webmaster Academy! See you there.