Most Common Screen Resolutions in Web Design | DesignRush Trends

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90% of website visitors bounce due to poor design. Design has many components – from custom web development and usability to mobile responsiveness, they all play a huge role on whether people stay on the page.

The importance of smooth, cross-device user experience and designing with various devices in mind cannot be emphasized enough.

This is why we’ll take you through the most common screen resolutions responsive websites should be designed for.

The most used desktop screen resolutions are:
1366×768 (22.98%)
1920×1080 (20.7%)
1536×864 (7.92%)
1440×900 (7.23%)
1280×720 (4.46%)

The most common screen resolutions of smartphones are:
360×640 (18.7%)
375×667 (7.34%)
414×896 (6.76%)
360×780 (5.31%)
375×812 (5.01%)

The most common tablet screen resolutions worldwide are:
768×1024 (51.43%)
1280×800 (7.28%)
800×1280 (5.26%)
601×962 (4.32%)
962×601 (2.99%)

Thank you for your time.

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