Hey all, if you aren’t booking high ticket clients that pay more for your service chances are you might not be charging enough or your proposal sucks!
Good news! You can now copy my winning proposal template that got me multiple $3000-5000 clients.
You can use this proposal to book web design clients and also other type of freelance projects using the tactics that I used in this proposal.
✅DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HvQiL5foWN-xyEXTTHFdgRhMjwEWcMfq?usp=sharing
✅Canva template: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFB1exiZq0/G8j78epCTJwgKVbVORSscA/view?utm_content=DAFB1exiZq0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
#freelancing #webdesign #marketing
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Website: https://himsingh.com
Need my expertise to build your website? Email me at hello@himsingh.com
About me:
Hello my lovely viewer, yes you! 👋
I am Him Singh, a freelance web designer and marketer. Teaching is my passion and thats why I create videos on freelancing, web design, sales and marketing on this channel. When I started my freelancing journey 5 years ago, I had no plan, no roadmap and no one to guide. I struggled for 2 years and spent thousands of dollars on courses and private coaching from international web design business owners, some worked some didn’t so I mostly learnt all this with hit and trial and fighting in battle. My mission with this channel is to help you start your freelancing journey and become a successful freelance business owner without any stress, overwhelm and wasting tons of money like me. I mostly work with international clients and encourage you to do so. India has tons of talented people just like you and I believe that talent shouldn’t have borders, every Indian should be able to make a living online selling their skills to global marketplace.
P.S: You don’t need a college degree to be successful, ask me why! 😎
Him Singh