How To Apply Strategy to your Web Designs (and earn more $$$)

Let’s say, you’ve just finished your strategy workshop with the client.
You have defined your clients keywords, personas, marketing positioning etc. Great!! … But now what??

In this video, I will explain step by step how to start implementing strategic insights to your web designs. So you can start applying strategy into your designs, and make them far more effective at achieving measurable business goals, such as improved brand loyalty and higher conversion rates.

Learn how to scale your freelance business with our Six Figure Freelancer course –

00:00 – Intro
02:21 – Digest the strategy
02:55 – Moodboards / Stylescape
04:11 – Wireframing / Content Structure
05:07 – Design Execution
05:40 – First draft of design
06:21 – Design and UX refinement
06:37 – Presentation

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