This is the second video of our FreeCodeCamp series. We will build the Camper Cafe menu using HTML and CSS. It is the second project of the Responsive Web Design (New) Certification on FreeCodeCamp. The language of the tutorial is Urdu and everything is explained in detail.
We will learn the most important CSS basics by working on the “Learn Basic CSS by building a Cafe Menu” project on FreeCodeCamp. This is a beginner-friendly course. You can start following the curriculum with 0 coding experience
Is video me ham mainly CSS ka topic cover krnge. Agr ap ko CSS ati bi he to bi ap video dkh sakte hn, you will learn something new surely.
If you think I am speaking slow, play the video in 1.25x speed or more 🙂
I love to teach MERN stack and I also love to teach MERN to those who want to learn online. You can follow the curriculum of FreeCodeCamp to become a MERN Developer aka Full Stack Developer. And you can watch my videos for guidance.
Join our Slack group, if you are learning MERN from FreeCodeCamp. Just send me an email with the subject “Join MERN Slack Group”
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Email: owaisali.cs@gmail.com
Email Subject: FreeCodeCamp
You can also schedule a Zoom meeting with me, if you want to discuss anything, by selecting any available time slot of your choice: https://calendly.com/sir-owais/meeting
#FreeCodeCamp #ResponsiveWebDesign #CamperCafe #FCCCafeMenu #HTML #CSS #JS