If you would like to have your startup’s website reviewed in a future episode of Design Review, please submit your info here: https://forms.gle/Yv7sCGpsi4PpAfRP9
In this episode of Design Review, Y Combinator Group Partner, Aaron Epstein, is joined by the CEO of Webflow, Vlad Magdalin. They review the websites of three Y Combinator funded companies—as well as one website from our Youtube audience!
Thank you to these companies for volunteering:
Oda Studio (https://www.odaportal.com)
Flycode (https://www.flycode.com)
Colossyan (https://www.colossyan.com)
Artifact (https://www.heyartifact.com/)
Apply to Y Combinator: https://www.ycombinator.com/apply/
Work at a startup: https://www.ycombinator.com/jobs
Chapters (Powered by https://bit.ly/chapterme-yc) –
00:00 – Design Review
00:59 – First website – Oda Studio
06:25 – Flycode
12:00 – Colossyan
17:30 – Artifact
23:21 – Outro