Web Design for Dommies 009 – LIVE Deep Drive Website Critiques

Join me LIVE every other Wednesday for in-depth web design and development critiques.

Through the critique process you’ll learn tips, insights, and best practices for things like:

– UX Design
– UI Design
– Technical SEO
– On-Page SEO
– Copywriting
– Content Marketing
– Conversion Optimization
– Offer Strategy
– Technical Development Best Practices w/ DOM Inspection
– And more!

WANT TO GET YOUR SITE CRITIQUED? SUBMIT YOUR URL AT https://digitalambition.co/critique/

Join my Inner Circle – https://digitalambition.co/inner-circle/
Automatic.css – https://automaticcss.com
Frames – https://getframes.io

Make sure you’re subscribed to this channel and CLICK “NOTIFY ME” SO YOU DON’T MISS THE LIVE STREAM.