شرح ICT الصف الخامس الابتدائي لغات مستر احمد الباشا
ICT خامسة ابتدائي
لينك تحميل الملزمة
لينك تليجرام
In this part :
The web page displayed online.
Consider including a larger image that reflects the main message or provides information for your story.
You may also include smaller images.
Your story should -have a title or heading that catches your audience’s attention.
It should have a larger font size than the rest of the text so that it stands out.
Subheadings break up information an allow your audience to see what a particular
section of your story is about.
Subheading have a smaller font size Visuals than headings.
The main text will tell the story.
Text size should be suitable and smaller than the subheadings.
مستر احمد الباشا