Welcome to our MERN stack web development course!
In this video, we dive into the CSS Display property and its various values, including inline, block, and inline-block. Discover the fundamental differences between these display types and learn when to use each one effectively. We also explore the universal selector, a powerful tool for selecting and applying styles to all elements on a webpage.
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Codes: TO be Updated
Additionally, we cover the box-sizing property with the border-box value, a crucial concept for managing element sizing and padding. Join us in this comprehensive tutorial to enhance your CSS layout skills and create stunning web designs.
Subscribe to our channel for more web development content and stay tuned for the next exciting lesson
Tags: CSS, web development, MERN stack, CSS display property, inline, block, inline-block, universal selector, box-sizing, border-box, CSS layout, web design, frontend development, CSS styling, CSS properties, coding tutorial, web development course, coding education, CSS tricks, web development tips, CSS techniques, CSS box model
00:00 – Introduction
01:38 – CSS Display Property
04:40 – Display-block
08:25 – box-sizing border-box
15:05 – Display-inline
19:45 – inline vs block
23:15 – Display-inline-block
26:14 – Revision
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