How to make $100k/year as a web designer working only 4 hours/day

Stop feeling the tension between doing your best work and running a profitable web design business. Discover how date-based billing can increase your recurring revenue, streamline projects, and enhance client relationships. If you’re tired of the traditional milestone-based billing method (50% to start the project – 50% when the site launches) – a cycle of incomplete projects, payment uncertainty, and endless change requests – this video is for you.

This pattern can create $100,000 per year of recurring revenue in your web design business, with you only working 4 hours per day on client projects.

We dive deep into the benefits of date-based billing, demonstrating how splitting initial costs into two monthly payments, followed by a recurring monthly plan, eases the burden on your clients and empowers you as a web designer who provides leadership and gets results for your clients. This is the secret to speedy website launches, data-driven changes, clear communication, and a significant boost to your recurring revenue.

With everyone’s incentives aligned, you’ll see clients achieving results faster and landing more lucrative contracts, each potentially worth over $10,000 per year.

If you’re ready to transform your web design strategy, improve client relationships, and grow your business sustainably, this video is your starting point. Unearth a game-changing approach that could revolutionize your web design business, delivering faster, more satisfying results to your clients.

Work with Lee: [https://Lee.Blue/](