I Refuse to Learn Web Design as an SEO Pro

I remember building my first website on Dreamweaver with HTML.

It took me over 3 weeks to learn how to build a website that had 3 HTML links and a couple pictures.

The proccess was completely awful. I thought to myself, there HAS to be a better way to do this.

Fast forward, I learned about WordPress and begin building a website that looked decent.

I still wasn’t a huge fan of web design. I nearly fell asleep at my keyboard multiple times while building my new site.

Eventually I found out about SEO and got super into ranking on Google.

Back in the day, SEO and web design were SUPER important to becoming number one on Google and generating leads.

These days, not so much.

Here’s why:

1. Technology is taking over. It’s the same reason why I’m leaning towards engagement marketing vs doing SEO.

2. A lot of SEO will end up being parasite SEO.

3. Edge rank algorithms are destroying search.

4. When I focus on just what I’m good at I don’t dilute my skills with other shiny objects.

5. Everything is moving towards video.

6. Why be the implementor when you can build the blueprint.

7. The amount of time that goes into design is mind numbing, I hate waiting for things to load. There is a reason why clickfunnels is so succesful.

8. Although UX is very important, content consistency, relevancy, and engagement is arguably 10x more important.

9. Look at all of the websites that look TERRIBLE but are still generating HUGE business. If people want to get a hold you because your brand is awesome, they will.

10. People are paying so much less for design these days then back when web design started.

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