Web Design Case Study (Kadence Theme & Gutenberg)

This is a website case study of a recent project I did for a client. The client had specific needs that I needed to take into account such as they really wanted me to include a slider with their portfolio as a hero section instead of doing these modern graphics + headline + sub headline + call to action type of hero sections.

This is a website for big companies that might be looking for a partnership, they do not need a call to action, they scout each other and look for portfolio work. They know how to find contact number so that’s driving the design choice to use a slider with 5 images that affect performance, but since it’s Kadence theme, we’re still good!

The website is done with the new Kadence theme, using no page builder but Gutenberg.

Other related videos:
Kadence Hooked Elements with Dynamic Content (ACF)

ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Taxonomy Shortcode

Search & Filter Pro for your WordPress archives

Watch the full video for all the details and since this is a longer one and you might not have time for everything, below is table of contents so you can browse it easier.

00:00 Intro
00:44 Understanding the client
02:08 Colors choice for a glass company in the construction industry
05:07 A specific contrast color
06:16 Website structure
07:56 The homepage
11:34 The other pages
13:47 Layout for the pages that feature more text
14:47 The navigation menu and target audience
17:02 Homepage slider design (desktop vs mobile)

Danger Storm by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4985-danger-storm
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license